Monday, March 25, 2013

50@50 Project - Event 9B - Finally!!

Yes, yes - I know I mentioned this event several times and you've been checking in every half hour or so waiting for the recap.  Well, here it is - finally.

As you recall, I ran the Buck Mountain Mudslinger 6.5 mile Trail Run a couple of weeks ago.  And you also remember that Camera Crew was in San Diego with her family celebrating her grandfather's 102nd (!!) birthday.  And you will of course recall that I mentioned the somewhat subtle competitive nature possessed by my wife.  She'll tell you she isn't - but trust me on this one.

Since there is no way in hell Bex! would let me do a 50at50 Project event without her, she arranged to participate in Challenge Nation in San Diego. With her for this scavenger hunt-style adventure race: her mother, Anne; her father, Camera Crew, Sr.; her Aunt Debbie; her Uncle Alan. 

Because this was a race in which they would have to solve clues and find their way around, possibly asking directions - and because 3/5's of the team hails from Alaska's state capital - their team name was 'Juneau Where'.  As in "Excuse me, sir - do Juneau Where this statue is located?"  I have to (humbly) say that is a clever team name!  (Thank you, thank you)

The weather was gorgeous, from what I have seen in pictures and videos.  The race took place in a fairly tight area around the Gaslight District of SD.  Teams were required to solve 11 of the clues provided, getting photo evidence along the way, much like our Cartathlon race a few weeks back.  I am happy to say that Juneau Where placed 87th among a couple hundred teams, which was not too shabby, especially since Camera Crew was breaking in some new adventure racers!!  Well done, team! 

Alas, for a mere 24 hours I was but one event ahead of my beloved.

But I'll take it!

PS - Add four more people to the list of 'participated in a 50@50 Project' event!

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