Monday, February 11, 2013

First Bike Event of the Year!

Well, that went really well!  Yesterday was Event 5 in the 50@50 Project, my quest to participate in 50 events in this year that I'm 50 years old. 
Let's recap: 
Event 1 was an 8k snow shoe race;
Events 2 & 3 were runs, a 6k and a 5k in two days;
Event 4 was the Portland Polar Plunge, a little dippity-doo in the Columbia River to raise money for Oregon Special Olympics;
This brings us to Event 5 - the Worst Day of the Year Ride, a 16 mile tour of Portland.

Because we rode to and from the race site, we actually logged close to 22 miles doing this gig.  Not bad for the first time in many months to be out on two wheels.

The weather was chilly, low 40's.  I was dressed in bike bibs, tights, my fave Yellow Submarine bike jersey and a riding vest to break the chill wind.  Wool arm warmers and light weight gloves.  I was borderline chilled throughout the day but another layer would have been too much, methinks.

The entertainment for the ride to the start was this:  Bex! lamenting the differences between her road bike (which she was on for the first time in 5-ish months) and her beloved cruiser she rides every weekday from the train to her office and back.  Keep in mind this girl has ridden probably 2,500 miles on her road bike.  The cruiser, she rides 9/10 of a mile each way Monday through Friday.  Thank goodness she didn't wreck trying to back-pedal to stop.  And it took her a bit to remember she had gears. (snicker)

We reached the race start and met up with our dear friend, Lisa Sauber.  We spent as much time as possible catching up with her because last time we did this ride, the start was the only time we saw her!  Zoooom!  However, you'll be happy to know that we actually rode the whole thing without Lisa pulling away from us.  I'm going to assume it's because we're that much faster than before. 

My blog, my rules remember?

It felt good being on the bike.  Ever since I was a kid I've loved that feeling of freedom the bike brings.  On Sunday I felt like a kid again, like I was going so fast I could fly.  I remember getting my first brand new bike.  Up until then it was hand-me-down bikes.  I was about 6 or 7, we lived in Guam.  It was Christmas morning and, although I am sure it was utter chaos with six kids, I remember those magical mornings.  Us kids would always wake up early, led by Jim and Bob most likely.  Mom and Dad would wake and get their coffee, then would be sure to make note of the fact that the cookies, milk and carrot sticks (the latter for the reindeer, of course) were gone (gasp!); Christmas music played, most likely Bing and Frank and Perry and Andy.  And of course Dad and Mom would take their places as we all jockeyed for position around the tree.  Dad would begin the tortuous (to us kids) process of handing out presents, trying to make sure each of us had a turn in the spotlight, opening our gift while everyone waited in anticipation.  Anticipating not what the others got but when would it be their turn!

I remember all the gifts being opened and how excited we all were, each of us playing with our new toys.  But I think maybe I was a little disappointed because I had been asking Santa for a new bike, like, forEVER.  Then Dad said "Hey, big boy" - that was his nickname for me - "can you check out on the lanai for..."  Here my memory escapes me - not sure what he sent me for.  All I know is that I opened the sliding glass door onto the enclosed patio and there it was - my very first, brand new, all mine, not a hand-me-down bright red shiny bike.  It had a bow on the handlebars, too.  I probably shrieked and I ran to the bike, with the family right behind me.  I remember pushing it outside into the tropical morning air.  I remember standing on the left side.  I remember swinging my leg over as I jumped up on the seat.

And I remember falling over because my feet couldn't touch the ground.  New bike - seat hadn't been adjusted yet.  Wham - on my right side.  I don't think I cried.  Dad adjusted the seat for me.  And I've loved riding bikes ever since.

Back to Event 5:  The ride was a blast, it was great catching up with Lisa.  The route took us through some neat neighborhoods.  It's always fun to tour by bike.  It's more personal, I think.

We crossed the finish line, hugged our goodbyes to our riding partner and rode on home.  Again, Bex! and I had the rest of the day to enjoy that nice feeling of accomplishment.

And, yeah, 5 events in 20 days.  That's a nice little start to the 50@50 Project!  



  1. I remember that Christmas. I got my crazy car then. Good memories!

  2. So cool to read this and think about how far back the bike love goes. We may not have had much but we appreciated it! Hope the cold/ flu thing is getting better. Love you:) Big sista
