Monday, September 2, 2013

Revisit for Me; New to Camera Crew

The 50@50 Project has been sailing along magnificently!  This odyssey to complete 50 races between my 50th and 51st birthdays is waaaaay ahead of schedule.  

Event 41 was the West Linn Trail 5k at Mary S. Young State Park.  You avid blog followers - or 'blogollowers*' - will remember this particular run at this particular park from Event 31 back on July 17th.  On that day, I did the run on my own.  It was The Great Equalizer run!  As you may recall, Camera Crew had been one event ahead of me for a while due to some unforeseen scheduling issues on my end.  Doing the run solo back in July got us all evened out, which was nice for me because it meant Camera Crew lost her bragging rights.  She was insufferable!  Okay, and cute.

As this was a mid-week run, I picked up Camera Crew from her office in Tualatin, then we made the drive to West Linn and the lovely park where the run would take place.  My partner in this craziness had never been there before so it was all new to her.  We arrived, parked and got checked in.  Then it was getting close to go time.  As we waited to get started, I noticed the participant makeup was a little different this time.  This is a small event, not a whole lot of people doing this series.  Unfortunate, since the races are so well organized (except they ran out of safety pins for bib numbers - again).  When I did the run back in July, there were a lot of high school runners and coaches as well as parents.  This time, there weren't so many 15-18 year olds, but a lot of younger kids and families.

We would be running the same course as I did before, two laps around the soccer complex within the park, on trails of wood chips, dirt, gravel, pavement.  It was pretty warm out but the course lies mostly in the trees which made things okay.  Since I did this run before and already described the event in the blog post for Event 31, I think I'll see if Camera Crew has anything to add to this.  Camera Crew!!  Hey, Camera Crew!  Yoohoo!

Uh, what, huh me?!?  Hmmm, okay.  Let's see...  This would be a pretty neat park to live next to.  A maze of bark chipped trails with mild elevation gain/loss.  We crossed paths with plenty of locals out on their runs and walks.  But did I mention the paths were bark chipped?  Soft and good for the knees, I'm sure, but if I worked at Boise Cascade and took home as many bark chips as I had in my shoes, I'm sure I'd be charged with theft.

Good point.  I suppose they could always just chop down the trees in the park and replace the wood chips on site.  Er, that would be bad, actually. 

We completed the run and I have to say that we just CRUSHED the little kids.  Heh heh heh.  Kidding - some of them beat us.  But afterward we all had ICE CREAM CONES!!!  It was fantastic.  A good run and one more event down!

1 comment:

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